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How to Create Daily Routine in Your Life...

Having a daily routine is an amazing method you can use to be more productive. Routine are a great way to create consistency in our schedules, help with time management while aiding us in creating habits that keep our minds and body healthy. My days are usually pretty hectic, and if you're a busy girl like me with several things you want to accomplish each day, it can sometimes seem impossible to get everything you need to done and the more you create schedules, follow productivity tips it just seems like it's all in vain. As an entrepreneur and full-time student, I have learned a few tips and tricks to keeping it all together. Your main goal when creating your schedule should always be to live your life intentionally, not on the side-lines or backstage, the show is yours and as the main act your role is simple - to accomplish absolutely everything you have set out for yourself! The best part about having a routine is time reduction, everything in life require decision-making and of course that part is inevitable but what if you could save time on deciding what exactly you will do today and just do it? Well, guess what, you can. After creating a daily routine for myself that incorporated time to focus specifically on my business, I have been able to conquer my productivity and just get it done. Now your routine does not have to be rigid and the best routine are usually flexible. Having a routine that is able to adjust to your needs is always the best option because well life is unpredictable but being able to accommodate for life's changes is the key to keeping your stress levels down while still staying on track with your goals. So, in this post, I will be sharing just how I created my daily routine and how you can use these tips to create a routine that helps you to access what is important to you, while staying on top of what you need to do each day to make your day feel like a win.

1. Make a List for all Time-Allotted Tasks For me this is a given, start by first making a list for your tasks that are time dependent. These tasks most likely will take up a significant part of your day and that you can't exactly get around because well they have been scheduled into your week. These tasks aren't super specific and are usually things you do everyday anyways like going to school, work, yoga classes - basically anything on a fixed schedule. 2. The Life Management Principle In the midst of all your outside commitments ensure you are making advancements outside of what I like to call 'societal demands'. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having a good job that you appreciate and wish to put significant time into the same applies to your studies but I feel like there is this idea that your life should ONLY revolve around either work or school and dearies let me tell society is sadly mistaken. This is why it is super important to make a list of the daily tasks that facilitate your life to ensure that you get that balance between work(or school) and your life. This list would usually include tasks like cleaning, meal planning/ prep, studying, responding to emails, the tasks that don't have a rigid time schedule that allow you to schedule them into your day. 3. Include your Personal Goal Too! So, you have a list for your work and life commitments but what about your personal goals? What is it that you want to accomplish each day outside of work(or school) and family or life commitments? This is where you need to have a grasp over your priorities, knowing what your priorities are will be a crucial guide to determining how to spend your time and living according to those priorities will change your life. My personal goals revolve around my health, finances, business and being a creative. Setting out my personal goals around these categories while factoring in other aspects of my life is my method for ensuring I do reach my personal goals. Now, if you're like me you probably have a million things that you would like to accomplish and sometimes it can be overwhelming. However, instead of choosing absolutely everything to do in that day or too many things to do just pick a couple of activities that you know will contribute to your overall goal achievement. If you aren't sure where to start, think of two to three of your biggest goals, your overachieving goals. Once you have chosen them, outline exactly what needs to be done to achieve them. With those goals in mind and the outline determined, you can then decide what you can do everyday to achieve them.

4. Create your Morning/ Night Routine First Before I created my daily routine planner layout, I tried out the different ways I could make my daily routine and this helped me out so much. First, I had to review my current routine, and if you don't necessarily have a routine mapped out each day, just write down everything that you do every morning and every night. Then based on what you have been doing you can see if you are able to group certain tasks or activities into your morning or night routine. I definitely recommend testing out your daily routine before just jumping right in, setting it in stone before even trying it out to see if you will like it or if it will work for you. This way you'll have an idea of what you can accomplish first thing in the morning and at night before bed, so that by the end of the day you'll feel more accomplished and meet your goals. Some things you might want to add to your daily routine include: Morning Routine Work/School Hours Journaling Exercise Cleaning up after a meal Cleaning up before bed Night Routine 5. Schedule it all! After you have figured out your, it's time to put them all together in a schedule. Of course there are a few different ways your can do your planning but one of your major tasks at this step will be to determine whether you want to use a paper or digital planner. With this completed, you must them input all of your timed commitments first. Next, would be you morning and night routines to allow you to be centered and understand where exactly your day is going and how you time is working for you. What ever is left over which will most likely include your personal goals and any miscellaneous tasks. Now you can choose to do time blocking( you decide how you will spend your time before it is spent) with your goals and other tasks as well since it will really allow you to stick to them. If you're schedule is a little less predictable you can always just put your tasks in the order you want to get them done. Regardless of the method chosen you will see a major change in not only your productivity but your efficiency. I cannot express to you how important I think it is create or have a daily routine that honors your priorities. Having a schedule for my days and being able to stick to them(which is also super important!) just leaves me feeling relaxed and fulfilled at the end of the day. I don't feel stressed, I am usually on track with what I want to get done and always have a little extra time for those things that bring me joy. In the long run, the goals is to turn your daily routine into habits. You want to get yourself to the point that if you miss one day you won't be super off track and unable to get yourself into the groove of things the next day. That is when it turns into a habit. In fact, I keep the same energy for my habit tracker. I hope you guys enjoyed our 5 Tips to Creating Daily Routine in Your Life. If you have found these tips for creating daily routine helpful then continue scrolling and sign up for our newsletter so we can stay connected and in touch. That way you can always know about my new freebies, helpful posts, and content in general!

P.S. Just a few reminders to get you guys on the right track *Don’t try to pack too much into your day. It’s better for you to set out a couple of you main priorities instead of trying to pile as many things as possible into your day. *Know when to take breaks and know it's ok to do so. Some days you’re going to wake up tired, frustrated, or just unmotivated. Emotions play a big part in what we are able to achieve in a day. If you're mind just isn't there and you aren't feeling it, that's ok - take it slow. *BE FLEXIBLE. This is possibly the most important reminder. BUT you can’t be flexible if you don’t have something to base your adjustments off of, which is why you need a routine. You don't work for the routine, it's there to work for you, remember that.

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Hey! I'm Kaela,


I am the creator behind Kae-Luxe an Entrepreneur + Lifestyle blog for the millennial woman! I’m Barbadian blogger and content creator currently based in Barbados. I love leaving my mark on the world by providing the best fashion tips, lifestyle hacks, and blogging advice through my own lens! I also enjoy traveling around the country and providing detailed itineraries and hotel reviews.





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